Oxford High Energy Summer Student Program
summer 2020, Oxford/Heidelberg
NEW DEADLINE: February 29, 2020 - Due to technical issues, we are aware that the webpage was down for a few days last week. The webpage is now back. However, the deadline has been extended to compensate for possible delays.
ConnectingKnowledge20 is the first Oxford Microstructure Detector Summer Student Program organized by the University of Oxford and the university of Heidelberg. Participants in the school will spend nine weeks in Oxford or at the university of Heidelber, depending on the project. The Oxford Physics Microstructure Detector Laboratory is a facility for developing and producing silicon radiation detectors for pure and applied science. We test novel sensors and readout structures with laser and radiation. We also assembly detector modules and large array experiment and detector systems, training next generation in development of new instruments and tools for applications in fundamental physics research and technological spinout. If you are fascinated by detectors development, this school is the ideal environment to work with experts in Oxford. You will have a unique opportunity to experience Oxford academic life in one of the most fascinating colleges and in one of most important physics microstructure detector laboratories in the world joining other summer students or in the Germany's most ancient university, the university of Heidelberg.