International Neutrino Summer Student Program
13 July 2020 - 12 September 2020 (with some flexibility), Harvard
NEW DEADLINE: February 29, 2020 - Due to technical issues, we are aware that the webpage was down for a few days last week. The webpage is now back. However, the deadline has been extended to compensate for possible delays.
MoνingKnowledge20 is the first International Neutrino Summer Student Program organized by the University of Oxford and Harvard university. Participants in the school will spend nine weeks at Harvard university. Neutrino physics is a central part of particle physics. Neutrinos are fundamental particles. At the birth of the Universe the Big Bang produced neutrinos in prodigious quantities that are still traveling through space at almost the speed of light. The fusion furnace of our sun pumps out neutrinos. When a star goes supernova, the last stage of its life involves the generation of an enormous burst of neutrinos. There are about 1015 neutrinos passing through each of us every second. Although so abundant, neutrinos interact only feebly with matter, a property that makes them a challenge to study. There are three different types of neutrino: electron, e, muon, μ, and tau, τ. In 1999 it was discovered that these three types of neutrino can oscillate into each other. Today, Fermilab is one of the major neutrino factory worldwide. It hosts several leading experiments studying neutrinos, operated by large international Scientific Collaborations such as MicroBooNE and SBND (Short-Baseline Near Detector). The Oxford Sub-Department of Particle Physics is actively involved in the Fermilab neutrino program and collaborates closely with the Harvard University MicroBooNE group. If you are fascinated by these invisible particles, this school is the ideal environment to work with experts in neutrino physics from Harvard, Fermilab and Oxford. You will have a unique opportunity to experience Harvard academic life joining the Harvard MicroBooNE and SBND group, along with other summer students.